
  1. No griefing

This is one of our most important rules because many of our players spend many hours on magnificent builds and to see them destroyed can often ruin a players fun. We have a 0 tolerance for griefing and it would be punished harshly. Griefing includes: burning, breaking, trapping, moving or any other form of damage to a base or player. (This is a loose definition and different players and staff will see somethings as griefing compared to others).

  1. No Spamming

Both in the discord and the server we ask that you avoid spamming in chat. It can be very disruptive and often break up other players conversations.

  1. No Stealing

This could come under rules 1 but we take theft very seriously. You mustn’t take from random chests or bases, even if you think they are abandoned, without the permission of the player. If you suspect you have been stolen from contact an Admin or Mod for assistance.

  1. Be Respectful

The Nasty SMP is for everyone, be kind and respectful to all your fellow players and your staff. It’s just common sense, duhhhh.

  1. PvP

  1. No Racism/Discrimination

This should be pretty clear, don’t discriminate against anyone because of who they are or their background. We understand people make edgy jokes, but keep them as jokes and if you are not sure how people might react keep it to yourself.

  1. No Toxicity

We aim to have a friendly and safe space for players to enjoy so being toxic is an easy ticket to being kicked. Forms of toxicity include: insults, spite, refusing to leave players property, trapping and just generally being rude to player and staff. If it’s a joke make sure both parties see it that way and make it clear.

  1. Farms

Any large scale farms should be built at least 200 blocks from spawn.

  1. Cheats/Hacks

It should be obvious at this point that we don’t want cheaters on the server. Cheats such as X-ray are absolutely banned, anything that gives you an advantage over other players such as “reach” or “fly” are also banned. If you want to use something that isn’t listed here please contact an Admin or Mod about it. In regards to what we allow: macros and auto clickers are ok when being used for mob farms or other things such as that however do not use them during PvP.

  1. Have Fun

Of course this is rule 10, can you even have a real Minecraft server without this rule.

  1. Ban Evading

I can’t believe I’ve had to add this rule because it should be obvious. Do not try and evade a ban. You have been banned for a reason that we see fit. Any alts of a banned player will not be added and will be banned. If you suspect an account being a banned players alt please contact staff.